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Monday, July 11, 2011

Project Management

Project management is an integral part of Method Engine. It may not be as exciting as strategy or as inspiring as design, but it's just as critical to the ultimate success of any initiative.

At Method Engine, we utilize a combination of best-practices, process and tools to ensure that all of our projects are managed efficiently.

Sample Best Practice: The Single Point of Contact
One best practice we follow is establishing a single point of contact on the Method Engine team and on the client team. Both contacts should have adequate time to dedicate to the project, knowledge of the creative and technical processes involved in production and authority to unite the different constituencies involved. They should also have some level of budget and timeline accountability.

Our clients have an immense store of knowledge about their business and their customers. The Method Engine team has expansive knowledge amassed during years of executing digital projects. The team contacts work together to make sure all of this knowledge flows freely and is leveraged for maximum positive impact on the project.

We've found that when this happens, projects are almost guaranteed to be a success.

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